Do life's challenges weigh you down? Are your days filled with a sense of emptiness and a tendency to focus on the negative? Have overthinking, anxiety, and anger consumed your mind and heart?
Envision a future where you lead with positivity and feel uplifted and inspired each day by the world around you. How might life look different if you could easily answer the question: What's good about today?
I'm Christopher Cochran, and as an experienced business professional, I've helped many companies grow and improve. I have years of involvement with sales, marketing, and other functions in various large public companies, motivating people to realize their full potential. However, what's been more illuminating than anything I’ve experienced in the corporate sphere are the lessons my amazing son, Christian, taught me about embracing joy and living each day to the fullest.
In his brief, but notably well-lived 23 years of life, Christian's uplifting spirit, powerful words, and brilliant example not only inspired me and others but also drew a map that led me down the path to a purpose-driven life.
Now, I'm sharing the journey of my family, including the challenges we faced and the valuable lessons we learned, to help show you how to find the good within each day.

「今日は何がいいの? TM 」
「今日は何がいいの?」 TM
クリスチャンコクラン財団は、1945年に設立されたピッツバーグ財団と提携しており、コミュニティの問題を評価して対処し、責任ある慈善活動を促進し、ドナーをコミュニティの重要なニーズに結び付けることで、ピッツバーグ地域の生活の質の向上に取り組んでいます。クリスチャンコクラン財団は、 の波紋 クリスチャンがとても信じている優しさ。 彼の優しさのメッセージはシンプルですが、多くの人にとってとても意味のあるものです。
"Christian's positivity was so strong and honestly beyond reason. If there was ever a person who had every right to be angry, mad and/or negative, it would be Christian. Instead, he was continuously positive thru each and every day. He had the ability to make everyone he met feel special. He made everyone realize that their own blessings were bigger and more numerous than they believed."
Melissa - Pittsburgh
Allison, RN - Pittsburgh
"I cannot think of a more perfect modern-day example of a saint then Christian himself"
"Christian gave to everyone the eyes and the Soul of the Lord. Christian was given a very special ethereal gift to use for the good of humankind throughout the years of his life. And there were Christian’s Eyes. A gift from God. A gift Christian used wisely and completely."
Jean Malandro, Ohio
"He didn't owe me anything, yet he gave me everything. There he was, in the worst situation a person can be in, and all he cared about was me."
Nurse, Cleveland Clinic
"I truly believe that Christian heard me and honored my wish after seeing how distressed I was."
Izzy, Boston, MA
"Christian Cochran was an angel among us on earth."
Lisa Craine, Cleveland
"Christians love of others and God was evident in his actions and his words. He was always more concerned with others than himself. His voice was calming, happy and reassuring. Meeting him in person, you could feel the warmth radiate from his body to yours. His smile was genuine and his eyes were caring and compassionate. Being in a room with Christian, you knew you were in the presence of a very special child of God."
Lisa Craine, Cleveland
"I believe that Christian's purpose was to bring love and joy to others."
Michelle, Gibsonia, PA
"He accepted me exactly as I was. Christian’s smile, unconditional kindness, and warm personality brought so much comfort and light to my days at college."
Alex Smith, Pennsylvania
"He had the ability to see the best in every person, and treat them based on what he saw, something that I try to emulate every day".
"As we were entering the restaurant, we were approached by a house-less man asking for money. I had quickly reacted to reject this man’s pleas, but Christian went right away to open his wallet, and without hesitation offered him a $20 bill. After the interaction I went to question why Christian would give that amount of money when he kindly reassured me that this man needed it, otherwise, he wouldn’t be asking, and if there was anything he could do to help, he wanted to do it."
Megan, Pennsylvania
"Christian showed me love, compassion, and kindness abundantly. Every interaction, conversation, and moment spent with him was an absolute joy. He showed me hope when I was at my lowest point and never ceases to inspire me every single day. I’m proud to call him my friend"
Bobby, Pennsylvania
Christian's words, "What's GOOD about today" became a lifeline to me from the moment I first heard them. Not only is a PERFECT sentiment of how Christian lived his life every day (before and during his diagnosis), but it truly kept me focused on something positive while I walk through my own grief and loss. Christian's wisdom and kindness are truly God-gifted and beyond his 23 years on this earth. His belief of kindness begets kindness is so simple, yet so profound and needed more each day.